Sunday, April 26, 2015

Called to the Bench

We all know how sports teams go, they hold practices where they are expected to work hard and develop the skills required for the game. Each team member anticipates the game time that they receive. It is during the game that they can prove their skills and their abilities that they have worked long and hard on at practices. They are eager to contribute to the game and see their hard work pay off.

On a sport's team, the coach has got the best interest for the team and each individual player in mind. He knows the strengths and weaknesses of each player and he has seen their hard work at practice. He knows what they are capable of. Why then, does he sometimes ask them to sit out on the bench?

Life is like a great big game. We each have something to contribute and participate in. We are eager to participate and put our acquired skills and abilities to the test and see them pay off. But what if we are asked to sit on the bench? What if we are denied an opportunity or experience that we have been anticipating for a long time? What if we are denied something so important to us? a scholarship? a new position at work? marriage? the chance to have kids? good health? a chance to serve a mission? What if the very thing that we have looked forward to is stripped from our grasp and we are left on the sidelines empty handed?

This is when the cascade of questions flood our mind. Are we not good enough? What did we do wrong? Did we not work hard enough at practice? Was it because we missed that last shot or dropped the ball? Why is this happening to me? We may even ask, "Is God punishing me?"

I have found myself asking this same questions when I was "called to the bench". For some reason or other, Heavenly Father has asked me to not to complete my paper process and serve a full time mission. As I have watched close friends, family members, classmates, and many others receive their calls and leave for their missions, I struggled that I had to "sit out". I wanted to take part of the missionary program and be counted as one of the full time missionaries and I didn't understand why He was asking me to sit out. I have had many people express to me that I would be a good missionary or that they really think that I belong out there in the field right now. At first I was upset. I knew what I was capable of and I knew that I could contribute as a missionary.

Heavenly Father is our coach. He loves and cares for each one of us. He desires for our happiness and He wants us to thrive. He has seen our every effort and been by our side through every rough trial and struggle. Through the trial He has watched us rise and improve. He knows the growth that we are capable of, He sees our potential. Then why are we sometime denied opportunities that we want or look forward to in life?

I think the first thing we must remember that the coach's job is not to judge or call out the player's mistakes (that is the ref's job) he is as emotionally connected to each athlete's success as they are. He is the first one to cheer when they make a score and the first one to cry when they miss or drop the ball. More than anyone, he has seen their efforts at practice and he desires for them to succeed.

I know that my Heavenly Father loves me. He knows who we can become. We may be denied opportunities in certain times of our lives, but He has promised us that we will get a chance to play the game. He has a plan for each and everyone of us that is designed specifically for our needs and for our growth. We must trust in Him and rely on His promise. Do not loose faith, do not loose hope. Your coach is the best.

1 comment:

  1. I think sometimes coaches are saving players for the right time to play them. It seems hard for the players sitting on the bench, but the coach wants them to rest for a moment so they can be prepared to play with their all and play the part the coach needs them to play. In my sport experience, my coach switched players to be sure that we could play with everything we had, and have the moments of rest to go out and play again. And she would often change the players according to their strengths. And sometimes being on the bench resulted in working harder in practice and allowed us to improve immensely.
    I think God knows us better than we know ourselves and He is saving us for the right play or part in the game when we will be the best player for the part. I believe that sometimes He needs us for a different part than we expect. But either way, He will put us where we need to be to perform to our potential.
