
My name is Rachel Lee. I am nineteen and attending a small college close to home. I grew up in a small town in Utah and have been blessed to belong to a large family of nine. I am the middle of seven kids and I have loved every minute of it!

My Family

My family is so important to me and play a huge part in my life. My parents have taught me and my other siblings how to work hard and be self-relient. For me, they have established the love to learn and enjoy life as it comes. My older siblings have been big examples to me in how they live their lives and know what is most important to them. It has been incredible to watch them as they have hurdled their trials. They have better preparing me for when my trials have come.

My oldest sister is now married and they are expecting their first child. She has been an example to me of getting out of my comfort zone and doing things that may seem a little uncomfortable or out of my league. She has such strength and courage to face her trials and make life the best that she can.

My older brother is incredible. He has got such a way of making others feel good. I have seen his example in living the gospel and seeking for the good things in life.

I have a sister who is exactly 18 months older to me. She has got such a quiet strength to her in all that she does. I have seen her struggle through some great trials and how she has come up on top. She has been so good to listen to me as I have struggled through my own trials.

My little sister is a little jewel. She and I were fairly close growing up, especially when it came to our long car rides where we had to "double buckle", having one too many kids for the amount of seat belts we had in our car. She is such an example to me when I have seen the struggles she has gone through and for her standing up for her friends even when those around her do not. She is probably the most loyal person I know.

My two little brothers keep life interesting with their little personalities and their excitement for the little things in life. They have such sweet spirits and I love coming home to their smiling faces and their hugs and kisses.

My family (immediate and extended) has been my support in life, they have supported me in my aims and goals and are there to encourage me when I fall. I know that we can be together forever, and that families are eternal. I am so grateful for this knowledge because my family means so much to me.

Friends to Influence

Throughout my life I have been blessed with a great group of people that I am lucky enough to call friends. They have played a large part in my life and have shown me how to enjoy life and its challenges. They have done so much in strengthening my testimony and showing me how to live the gospel the best way possible. I will forever be impacted with their influences in my life.

Life comes with Struggles

In high school I was involved with Cross Country and Track where I would compete along side some great teammates and friends. My love to run grew quickly. In my running experience, I soon discovered (after major inflammation and pain) that I had what they would call an Accessory Navicular (an extra bone that is embedded in the midst of a major tendon in the foot).I had it in both my feet. Because of this discovery, my passion shifted to barefoot running as it eased the pain dramatically and allowed me to enjoy running pain free.

My junior year of high school, I started to have chronic back pain that effected my running as well as my day to day activities. This was a super hard time in my life because being 17 and having chronic back pain is not really a walk in the park, especially if it kept you from doing the things that you loved. After many physical therapists, chiropractors, doctors, and an MRI, we discovered that I had a torn disk and a revealed nerve in my lower back. There is not much to be done in this instance (other than trying medication and more physical therapy). This was something I was just going to have to live with the rest of my life. This is one small experience in my life that has built me. I have been suffering with chronic back pain for nearly two years now but have found ways around it to see the good things in life.

Adventure is out there!!

One thing that people come to know about me is that I love adventures. My favorite mostly involves some form of hike that takes me straight up a mountain and in following no form of trail. I love being outside and going places where cars can't. My favorite thing about adventures is that it gives me time to just sit and think while being amazed at the peace and beauty that is offered there. It is my way of stepping away from the daily stresses and seeing what is truly great in life.

I love living life to the fullest (sometimes a little too full) and I see it all as a great big adventure. I have this bad habit of liking to pack my schedule super full (almost like a game of tetris) and see all that I can accomplish in one day. I love to be busy because it is how I gage how productive my day was.

I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, sometimes known as "Mormons". The gospel of Jesus Christ is where I find my hope for my everyday struggles. Being a member has made me all that I am. I have my fair portion of trials and struggles and my life is not always perfect. But I believe that I have been blessed with a gift of optimism towards the day to day life. I have a hope in a bigger plan that is offered through the gospel of Jesus Christ.

I love to smile, I love to laugh, and I love my life.